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SciTech Pharma and LI Jin's team collaborate on ST-1898 clinical phase I trial

On July 8th, 2020, SciTech Pharmaceutical received the Notice of Drug Clinical Trial Approval from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), which approved ST-1898 to conduct clinical trials for solid tumor indications.


ST-1898 is a class I small molecule innovative drug, independently developed by Scitech Pharma, which is intended to be used for the treatment of solid tumors and is a multi-target tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). Since ST-1898 can effectively inhibit multiple tyrosine kinases that are closely related to tumorigenesis, it has broadened application prospects and therapeutic potential for a variety of indications and is expected to provide new therapeutic treatments for cancer patients.


Phase I clinical trial is an important milestone for new drug development. SciTech Pharma and Shanghai Oriental Hospital have cooperated to conduct the Phase I clinical trial of ST-1898, with Professor LI Jin as the principal investigator. The successful clinical approval of ST-1898 marks an important step on the road of independent research and development of innovative drugs.