Beijing Scitech-MQ Pharmaceuticals Limited is an Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning innovative drug design and discovery pharmaceutical company. Using the proprietary SigmaHIT® Program, SciTech Pharma conducts designs, researches and clinical trials on innovative drugs to meet the unmet medical needs globally.

SciTech Pharma’s mission is to design Small Molecule Drugs to find better solutions in the therapeutic areas of Oncology, Autoimmune and Central Nervous System Diseases. The company plans to obtain approval for its drug candidates in China first and subsequently in international markets.

Since its establishment in 2015, SciTech Pharma has developed and continuously improved its Drug Design Platform while designing and synthesizing multiple drug candidates. It has been involved in preclinical research programs and clinical trials. So far, there are three drug candidates approved in China for clinical trials with two drug candidates in Phase I and one drug candidate in Phase II. The success of the SigmaHIT® Drug Screening and Design Platform has been validated by research data involving dozens of drugs in various stages of the drug discovery and clinical process. At present, SciTech Pharma has received authorizations for 103 patents, including 22 domestic patents and 81 foreign patents.

SciTech Pharma is located at SciTech Campus in Beijing, China, owning about 20,000 square meters of experimental base and equipped with world-class laboratories, including chemistry lab, biology lab, animal study lab, formulation lab, DMPK lab, analytical lab and one computing center for drug screening and design.